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Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Symi Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Symi Planter $ 919.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Glazed Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Angkor Red
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Symi Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Symi Planter $ 899.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Glazed Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Angkor Blue
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Symi Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Symi Planter $ 899.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Glazed Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Angkor Green Mist
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Naxos Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Naxos Planter $ 1,549.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Glazed Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Angkor Grey
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Naxos Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Naxos Planter $ 1,549.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Glazed Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Angkor
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Corfu Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Corfu Planter $ 2,199.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Glazed Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Angkor Grey
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Maia Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Maia Planter $ 399.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Glazed Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Bronze Blue
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Maia Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Maia Planter $ 399.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Glazed Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Bayou Bronze
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Polaris Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Polaris Planter $ 1,189.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Glazed Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Bronze Blue
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Polaris Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Polaris Planter $ 1,109.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Glazed Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Bayou Bronze
Campania International Terra cotta Tela Bowl Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Terra cotta Tela Bowl $ 724.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Antico Terra Cotta
Campania International Terra cotta Square Brasilia Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Terra cotta Square Brasilia Planter $ 819.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Antico Terra Cotta
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Pina Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Pina Planter $ 1,129.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Glazed Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Snow Monkey
Campania International Terra cotta Pina Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Terra cotta Pina Planter $ 1,109.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Antico Terra Cotta
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Banteay Planter Urn/Planter Campania International
Campania International Glazed Terra cotta Banteay Planter $ 1,149.99
While the high firing temperature and quality of our glazed and terra cotta containers results in a durable and frost-resistant product, we still recommend that they be stored in a frost-free covered area in winter. If left outside, water may accumulate in the container and freeze, causing the planter to crack and break. Planters that must be left outside should be covered to prevent water, snow and ice from accumulating inside the planter.Dimensions : Length : 0 Height : 0 Width : 0Materials: Glazed Terra cottaMade in Vietnam Color is Angkor Green Mist

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